The Walking Rucksack

Genially Presentation

In this new post, we want to show you our project using new ICT skills, and we are going to focus on connecting the different cultures and customs that surround us through the empathy,  and share them with another cultural background.

This project has been thought for 11 to 12 years old primary school  students. 

In this project the student will work and improve cultural, language and ICT skills with students from a different country in Europe, while they develop their empathy.

Description & Aim
During Primary School,  students experience different moments in their lives. Some of them are the most important moments of their short life and they have excited things to tell us. An amazing  journey in time will show us their secrets and best memories, while they learn to know themselves and they develop their empathy. Having that aim in mind, we will provide the students with a bag, where they will place four important objects, which have a special meaning for them, which they will have to explain in a video and share with their mates afterwards.

Resultado de imagen de foto niño pensando 

We want to focus on connecting the different cultures and customs that surround us through the empathy,  and share them with another cultural background.

Each student will be assigned to another student from a different country. So then, they will have to start thinking about six objects or moments and prepare a list. But first, they will have to start thinking about six objects or moments and prepare a list.

After thinking about the objects or moments, they will have to start writing a script about the objects. They will have to explain why each object or moment they have chosen is special and explain it in a video afterwards.

Resultado de imagen de foto grabar

When they finish preparing the script for the video, they will have to record themselves speaking about their experience with each object chosen and express their feelings and emotions. 

The video will be edited by Movie Maker, and then shared with the teacher and the student assigned by eTwinning.

Note: the students will edit the video by adding music and different special effects.

The project is thought to be done within a month from the moment students are presented the idea to the moment students share their videos with their partners

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